Noah Dobbs (tapecanvas) is a video artist and performer based out of Chattanooga, Tn.
His work derives from an early interest in circuit bent electronics and uncovering a deeper feature-set within the devices used in his practice. Movement and manipulation of form combine into multi-layered environments that both build and alter themselves.
He creates single-channel video works, experimental installations, and has performed alongside members of the region’s avant-garde and beyond, creating accompanying visual material that pulls from mostly improvised soundscapes and acts as a bridge between senses.
His work has been featured in the Swine Gallery’s “Intermission” (June - July, 2016), and in “Nootropic Automat” - a part of “The Wrong Art Biennale” (November, 2015 to January, 2016). Dobbs has given talks and demonstrations on video art and hardware hacking, including analog video workshops at the 2015 + 2017 Chattanooga MakerFaire.
upcoming shows
- available for videos, live shows, installations, or collaborations