2022 11
o what a time to be alive..
- highlights from the month of November 2022
- including but not limited to:
- what i’ve been listening to
- what i’ve watched
- what i’ve read
- what i’ve worked on
- links of interest
- including but not limited to:
- current interests
- gemini protocol server and client
- 7 Days to Die
- listening:
Fear Before the March of Flames - Art Damage (2004) - spending some time with an old favorite
Pauline Oliveros, Stuart Dempster, Panaiotis - Deep Listening (1989)
Ana Roxanne - Because of a Flower (2020) - especially “Camille”
Incense - Meteorites (1996) - specifically “Everytime I See You”
- Bjork - Sonic Symbolism
- Omnibus
- Surveillance Report
- How to Fix the Internet
- 99% Invisible
- Mysterious Universe
- Twenty Thousand Hertz
- Self Hosted
- The Homelab Show
- Cyberwire Daily
- Holmes Archive of Electronic Music
- Loremen
- reading:
- watching:
- Hellraiser (2022)
- Nope (2022)
- The True History that Created Folk Horror (3 part series)
- projects
- completed:
- Hung 2 doors in the house
- Burned brush pile
- Hacktribe: [[korg electribe 2]] to e2s
- Gemini server
- current:
- [[JSI Resonator]]
- this website
- allwrong Gemini
- future:
- I might work on something to submit into Bent // Broken 2023 Virtual Circuit Bending Festival
- completed:
- misc..
- https://www.instructables.com/Paper-Speakers-1/
- https://everynoise.com/engenremap.html
- Turned 30. Thoughs? Maybe next month…
- atlas of surveillance
- AWS Deep Composer
- I just realized I have lost my favorite tape measure
- recommended:
- If you ever want to read an article blocked behind a paywall, use 12ft.io.
- Simply add “12ft.io/” into the url between “https://” and the site’s url ie: https://12ft.io/www.wired.com/2017/07/protect-digital-self
- If you ever want to read an article blocked behind a paywall, use 12ft.io.